Cars to the left, trucks to the right

You know what one of my biggest pet peeves is, when semi-trucks block up the left lane and make it impossible to pass. Nothing irritates me more because they are either going under or exactly the speed limit and sometimes I like to drive a little bit faster when I’m on a highway. The worst is when you are on a highway like Rt. 80, where there are only two lanes, and there are two massive trucks going the same speed right next to each other. They make it impossible to pass, causing massive amount of cars to follow closely behind, just waiting for some huge accident to happen.  It once took me 2 hours to complete the final hour of a trip all because I couldn’t get pass these stupid ass trucks. I understand that these people drive all night and cross country, carrying lots of expensive company material that they are responsible for, but hey, that’s the job that you signed up for. But seriously, get the hell out of our way.


What I envision, is a universal law across the entire country, one that forces trucks to stay in the right lanes at all times. Let the cars be free to pass on the left and stick to your side of the road. Now, this may sound like segregation, but it’s what we need. Statistics show that highways that travel at lower speeds and have massive amount of trucking activity have more accidents. Simply put, we don’t want to drive slower, we just want to get away from these damn trucks. We don’t want to be driving behind or next to these long, less controllable, and over 10,000 lbs vehicles, we won’t to get as far away from them as possible. The sight of them usually makes people uncomfortable on the road, at least it does for me, and I’d like to consider myself a better driver than most. And when people are uncomfortable on the road, the more likely an accident will happen. So, unless the government starts building new highways specifically for trucks, I feel this law needs to be universally accepted across all states.


This needs to be on every highway in America